About Me

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Barrie, ON, Canada
Just Your Average Girl. Working To Make A Difference. Trying To Be True To Herself. Living Life With Laughter && Love. Never Giving Up. Being Hopeful. && Always Believing In A Brighter && More Beautiful Future. ♥

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Happiness :)

Happiness...one word, yet has so much power behind it. I think we as people underestimate the power of happiness; what it can do for us. Happiness is the feeling we get when were lifted from the ground. When were made to feel on top of the world. When all that we hoped for is coming to us, straightening itself, and falling in line. I know that happiness can be hard to obtain for ourselves, and others around us yet it is something so wonderful that I think most people at least strive their very hardest to reach it. I know that at times it has seemed so far from me, that no matter what I did, and how far I stretched I would never be able to grasp it. Yet here I am sitting at school, and listening to music, and all I want to do is smile for I have not only grasped happiness with both hands, but i have wrapped it around myself like a blanket on a cold winters night. It keeps me warm when people have left me feeling cold. Happiness...so simple yet so profound. We can all see it in the littlest of things like a flower opening on the first of spring, to the biggest things like that of a mothers smile when she first see's her newborn baby. We take happiness for granted letting it drift away when we should drift with it. I let it go once, but this time I won't. I know it might slip from my shoulders a time or two more but the thing about blankets, like happiness, is that once it slips you can always grab it back up again. And like a blanket when it becomes over washed and made supple, and ragged from the hold we have on it we can stitch it back together to make it whole again. If worst comes to worse we can let that happiness go, and grasp new happiness. One things for sure, happiness is never forgettable never irreplaceable. We have only to hold it close on those long days, and cold nights. So do yourself a favor and find your blanket of happiness to keep you warm, and feeling bright like the sun that shines down on us. Better yet share some of that happiness with someone close while they look for there own. Happiness is something we can share, so share it! Be happy, and shine brighter than you ever thought possible, and help others to shine to for we can all be happy, even if it's only for those brief moments when we have those brighter instances. I share with you...my blanket of happiness...

Friday 11 March 2011


Lately I had been doing a lot of thinking about a lot of different things. I've been wondering about school, and questioning whether or not I'm in the right place doing the right thing. I know my marks are really good, heck they're pretty amazing, they're not quite perferct but that's okay. You can't be perfect every time. The thing is though when I'm not perfect I'm hard on myself, even when I do perfect I'm hard on myself. I'm the kind of person that no matter how good it is I always feel like I could do better. It's enough to drive a person up the wall, and sometimes it does, and I have to just tell myself to shut the hell up. Well the other day all that self doubt didn't just drive me up the wall, it broke the car I use to drive myself there. After that the day just got worse, and worse, and the last straw was when I missed the bus, and had to walk home from work...it was the BEST thing that could have happened to me though. On the long walk home I had a chat with myself, and God (this is a touchy subject for me because I'm on the fense about believing or not so...just deal with me here for a minute) which was really odd in some sorts. I was just ranting about how life sucks, school sucks, and how I don't know what the hell God wants from me. What is it that I'm supposed to do? Where is it that I'm supposed to go from here? Where is the bloody end! I honestly just wanted to fall to the ground, and just stay there crying like a lost kid, because that's exactly how I felt...lost, lost as to what it was I should do. The more I questioned all of this the more I tried to find the answer, and I really think I found it. Everybody has a path in which they are supposed to travel (including myself) and sometimes that path is hard, and we question if we are going in the right direction, and the truth is maybe were not going in the right direction but we won't know if we don't keep moving forward. There's the idea that there's no going back, and I think that's the truth, because you already know what lies behind you, it's what's in front of you that you don't know. So though the road ahead is/can be scary as hell, and we don't always know what to expect (we can make assumptions), there is nothing that's stopping us from changing the course of that path from the desicions, and choices we make for ourselves. I've made a decision for myself though, I have no clue what the future holds, I have no idea if the choices/decisions I am making are leading me in the right direction, but they are leading me somewhere, and I'm more than positive it will take me eventually to where I am supposed to be. Right now the path that I am on is leading me to work my way into becoming a child and youth care worker. I don't know where this path will continue to take me, but I believe in this moment and time that I'm right where I'm supposed to be. Whether it's for my benefit or someone else's I do not know. I realize also from all of this that no matter how hard things get, that there are things in my life, and my own inner strength and determination that are going to help me get back up, and keep moving forward, and that's exactly what I want to do. I don't want to go back, yes there are memories, and moments I'd love to relive but one thing is perfectly clear; the person I was back than, and the person I am becoming now are not the same.I love the change, and growth I see in myself, and to go back would be to be the person who I used to be, and I never want to go back there even for the sake of those moments, because I know I will always have those memories. I know i'll continue to be pushed, and tested to my limits but one thing is certain, no matter what life or god chooses to throw at me, I will always get back up, and for me....that's enough. 

p.s. I am so glad of the people I have met, and the friends I have made because they have helped me to become the person I am, and for that I will always love all of you. <3 you have definitely made my life better, and me better as a person, and hopefully...hopefully I have done the same for all of you. 

Sunday 20 February 2011


There's this great little site full of pictures called We Heart It && I love looking through it for backgrounds  for my computer, my phone, and just for a general pick me up. Here's some different ones I found that I thought were too good not to share with everyone. Enjoy :)

"My feet hurt from kicking so much ass" This is just to appropriate for those times when everything you've put your mind to you have accomplished, and even those tasks where you achieved so much more than what your expectations had been set at. So for those times even when your not kicking it remember that you have at one time && you'll be doing it again soon enough!

So many people have this fear I believe, and so do I. The problem isn't that we are not good enough it is that we can't see how good we truly are.  We focus so much on what other peoples expectations of us are that we forget that most tasks we set before us we do for our own happiness not for others. We should not be afraid that we aren't good enough for others because we are all good at something, and if others can't appreciate that in us, it is not our failing but theres. Take pride in everything you do for it is good enough for you.

I just think this shirt is too cute && really entertaining when you think about it. We all love someone whether it be our friends our family or that special someone,and that person is mostly made up of water :)

Men wearing pink shirts? yeah they can be hot. heck a guy wearing any color shirt can be hot. it's not the clothes that make a man a man, it's there personalities sweetie :) but that last line of this picture is definitely true, real men DO know how to treat girls right. If you have a man and he treats you with anything less than the respect that you deserve it's definitely time to get that fixed,even if it means finding a new man, and one that knows how to wear a tight pink shirt ;)

This picture is just so cool, a truly double edged sword. We throw the words love and hate around so easily but they are the most powerful words a person can use. They don't leave room for guess work or misconception. They are what they are. To love someone or to hate them comes from a place so deep it's hard to identify where it comes from but is felt deeply. Be careful how you use these two words, because once said always remembered.

There's so many more of these I had, but I just decided to share these ones. Feel free to check out weheartit.com && find some of your own :)

I Love ♥

I love people who take the time to care about others.
I love chocolate covered almonds.
I love wearing flips flops.
I love the smell of lylocks in the summer.
I love the feel of grass on the bottom of my feet.
I love looking at the sky because it's different && just as beautiful everytime.
I love baking cookies with other people.
I love the smell of campfire smoke.
I love giving people nicknames, and recieving them.
I love knowing I have frienships that will last a life time.
I love when people give me homemade gifts.
I love people with a good sense of humour.
I love losing myself in a good book.
I love closing my eyes and seeing all the posibilities of life.
I love surpassing my own expectations.
I love being creative.
I love when I feel sexy.
I love that spring will be here soon.
I love feeling a connection with other people.
I love trying something I am afraid of and finding out I love it.
I love laughing until I can't breath and end up slapping my leg.
I love laying in hammocks during the summer.
I love your sweater.
I love smiling from something as simple as a memory.
I love shared stories of times long gone.
I love listening to a song and realizing how much it applys to my life at the time.
I love waking up next to you in my dreams.
I love thinking about that one special moment where everything just clicks.
I love sleeping in a tent.
I love standing on top of a mountain and seeing the view below.
I love the feeling of my hair floating around me in the water.
I love seeing the little things that other people miss.
I love the quotes that make you see things from a whole new perspective.
I love things that really make you think, and question.
I love the feeling that hugs give you.
I love just sitting and taking everything in that's going on around me.
I love being able to text people who I can't talk to at the time.
I love seeing the stars.
I love reading my horoscope.
I love chinese food just for the fortunes that come in the fortune cookies.
I love saying the numbers 8 and 11.
I love having inside jokes.
I love when our eyes catch, and we secretely know what each other is thinking.
I love watching the sun set and rise.
I love sitting in the sand at night, and watching the waves crash apon the shore.
I love swinging as high I as I can just so I can feel like I'm flying.
I love the sound of a deep voice.
I love getting goose bumps just because of that one person.
I love the feeling of strong arms around me.
I love movies with happy endings.
I love making others happy.

There's all kinds of things I love about life, but I just thought I'd name some because we spend so much time focusing on the negatives it can be hard to see what it is that makes life so special to us, and worth living for. Like if you love it && make a list of your own, you might just be surprised by what you remember, and had so quickly forgotten .